2015年6月12日 星期五

2015 Computex 實況報導 Aorus X5 電競筆電不容忽視 搶攻電競市場霸主地位

來自技嘉Gigabyte 的電競品牌 Aorus於台北國際電腦展推出最新一代的電競筆電X5,一直以來都以輕薄卻不犧牲效能為主要訴求,今年繼續延續這樣的傳統,機身僅2.29cm薄和重2.5kg,15.6吋電競筆電X5,整體來說感覺相當札實,這是第一台搭載NVIDIA G-SYNC革命性3K螢幕顯示技術,提供絕佳的流暢度及超快的反應時間,保證遊戲和直播都順暢,堪稱效能最強15吋電競筆電。此外,在觸控面板上也做了些小巧思,除了面板上加了老鷹的圖騰外,在下方還有止滑設計,上市後還會附贈防指紋保護膜。 至於大家最關心的上市日期,Aorus X5 預計六月中後上市,台灣定價 NT$73,000左右,想要敗入的玩家現在可要開始存錢嚕! Aorus X5 Gaming Laptop: SLI & G-SYNC! Gigabye gaming division, Aorus, brought its X5 gaming notebook to Computex this year: the latest generation in its series. This thing is powerful yet surprisingly light. It's a 15.6” laptop weighing a relatively small 2.5kg, its fully backlit and includes macro keys, and features a refreshingly minimal design. Performance wise, it features two GTX 965M for a total of 8GB of VRAM, a 3.5GHz i7-5700HQ processor, 8GB of DDR3 Ram (upgradeable to 32GB) and a 2880x1620 IPS display. Excitingly, though, it's one of the first gaming laptops to include Nvidia's G-sync technology, which smooths out stuttering and removes screen tearing. The Aorus X5 is expected to release sometime this month, stay tuned!

